Singing Guide: Brothers Osborne

Singing Guide: Brothers Osborne

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're a fan of country music, you might find Brothers Osborne's music inspiring. They are a country music duo from the US that has been gaining popularity in recent years. Their unique sound and style make them stand out in the country music scene, and learning how to sing like them can be an exciting challenge.

One of the unique things about Brothers Osborne's music is their use of harmonies. They often blend their voices together in a way that creates a rich, full sound. To sing like them, you'll need to work on developing your own harmony skills. Singing with an open mouth and throat and good breath support is essential to achieve a rich and natural tone like theirs. The Singing Carrots articles on breathing basics, breath support, resonance in singing, and how posture affects your singing will guide you in developing such skills.

Another crucial part of Osborne's voice is their use of twang, which is a characteristic quality of the voice that can be used to create a classic country sound, as well as the use of contemporary vocal techniques such as belting, and growling. The Singing Carrots video on "How to Twang Exercise" and the articles on contemporary vocal techniques will be a great help in creating a similar voice.

To learn some Osborne Brothers' songs, you can use Singing Carrots' song search tool. The pitch accuracy test and the vocal pitch monitor tool will be perfect for assessing your pitch and hearing your sung notes on a virtual piano. Singing Carrots' singing course is also an excellent resource to guide you in achieving a similar voice like Brothers Osborne, covering the fundamental singing techniques, practical theory, and tips for maximizing your performance.

In conclusion, with the right resources and tools at Singing Carrots, you can develop your voice to incorporate Brothers Osborne's unique style and sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.